Thursday, May 21, 2020
Health Disparities in HIV Essay - 1060 Words
Health Disparities in HIV/AIDS Human immunodeficiency Virus also known as HIV is a sexually transmitted disease. It attacks your bodys immune system. The virus destroys CD4 cells, which help your body fight diseases. HIV damages your immune system and it leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome also known as AIDS. AIDS is the final stage in HIV, and it’s a disease where severe loss of the bodys cellular immunity occurs. The disease lowers the resistance to infection and malignancy. Anyone can get HIV/AIDS. Men, women, and children, of all different races and descents can get infected with the virus. People who are gay or straight can also be infected with HIV/AIDS. There is currently no cure for HIV/AIDS. HIV treatments may reduce†¦show more content†¦In 2010 African Americans made up 46% of Americans infected with HIV/AIDS, and they only make up 10% of the American population. Out of the 46% of blacks infected with the disease 88% are females and 19% are males. The question at hand is, whatâ⠂¬â„¢s causing so many African American woman to be infected in America? Poverty, healthcare access, and risk taking behaviors are all among the answer. One in 4 African-American women lives in poverty, and people living in poverty also get lower-quality health care in general. Exchanging sex for drugs, money, or to meet other needs causes the increase HIV risk factors. For woman living in poverty with low quality health care gives the HIV infection to advance into AIDS more quickly. HIV is mostly spread to women through sexual contact. Untreated STDs that break the skin, like genital herpes, give HIV an access into the bloodstream. 23% of African American women were infected with HIV by injection drug use. Being under the influence of any substance can cause woman to have high risk behaviors such as unprotected sex and sharing of injection drug paraphernalia. Another thing that’s causing more African American woman to have a higher percentage infected than any other race is because, many don’t date or have sexual partners outside of the African American race. There are more men in the African American race than any other race infected with HIV/AIDS. So therefore infecting the African American woman.Show MoreRelatedHealth Disparity Of HIV And AIDS Analysis933 Words  | 4 PagesThe health disparity of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment within Calcasieu Parish can be extrapolated from the state’s fifth region’s data provided by the Department of Health and Human Services of Louisiana. Region Five consists of Calcasieu, Allen, Beauregard, Cameron, and Jefferson Davis parish. 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(Maurer Smith, 2009). â€Å"By 2001, it was the leading infectious cause of death in the world, killing almost 3 million people, and by 2002, approximately 5 million people wereRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus : A Type Of Cancer And Other Opportunistic Infections1093 Words  | 5 Pagesthat a virus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV caused AIDS. Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV is a Lentivirus. HIV like all other viruses attacks the immune system. In case most of viruses our immune system can clear them out, but not HIV. A person can contract HIV by getting his or her blood in contact with bodily fluids of aninfected person. Bodily fluids such as blood, rectal fluids, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk of a HIV infected person can contain viruses. A person can becomeRead MoreThe World Health Organizations Role in Fighting HIV/AIDS702 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction Discussions about HIV/AIDS have changed radically since the disease was first identified in the early 1980s. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Rose For Emily Symbolism Analysis - 1376 Words
The Symbolism of the Setting in Faulkner’s and Hemingway’s Stories The place where the story is set plays the most significant role in the majority of fiction pieces, since it is the setting that outlines the plot development and influences the heroes’ decisions and general characteristics. In Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†and Hemingway’s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,†the setting is raised to the symbolic level. When the outside portrayal does not correspond to what is happening inside the character, it adds a psychological perspective to the plot’s analysis. In Faulkner’s story, there is much information about the Griersons who have been at the top tier of society for a long time and have become an integral part of the local community. In†¦show more content†¦It is the repetition of the phrase â€Å"had once been†that attracts the audience’s attention, since with such a repetition, the narrator wants to underline the obvious difference between the house’s form er splendor and its current half-ruined appearance, though it still tries to look â€Å"stubborn and coquettish†(1), just like its last dweller – Miss Emily. Hemingway also introduces the setting with the first sentence when saying that â€Å"the hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white†(229), and the whole location is drenched in the bright sunlight with people having no possibility to hide in the shadow of trees. With these words, the narrator wants to imply that this story is a kind of confession in which nothing will be hidden from attentive readers, though it may take time for them to realize what the usual conversation can hint at. Both heroines understand that certain changes are inevitable in their condition. They are confused by possible consequences and are scared stiff of what they are expected to do. While these emotions are not shown directly, they are shown through the setting. In Faulkner’s story, Miss Emily leaves her house very seldom as if the surrounding world makes her insecure and unconfident, while a disgusting stink of decay and frustration seems to start coming from the building she has been occupying for so many years.Show MoreRelatedThe Lottery, By Shirley Jackson And A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner960 Words  | 4 PagesThe Use of Symbolism in â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner The use of symbolism is used in literature to enhance writing and add meaning to a story, this is evident in the two short stories â€Å"The Lottery†written by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†written by William Faulkner. 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Direct Mail Homework Free Essays
1. Who will your target audience(s) be for this coming year? When using direct mail as a medium for fund raising, firms measure their performance by comparing the dollars earned with the dollars spent (Bhagat and Donovan). Hence, for the coming year we should concentrate on those who can give us the maximum amount of money while we keep our costs at the lowest possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Direct Mail Homework or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, most of our donors are in the retired age bracket. For these reasons we should concentrate on targeting middle age people; those who have are concerned about others and also have the means to help them. 2. What proportion of your budget will you allocate for new requests versus ongoing communication? At least half of the budget should be allocated for new requests as the company is in dire need of altering its current donor list age bracket. 3. What other communication tactics might you use to try and reach potential donors? The firm can use many other tactics such as online mailing, setting up a website, making online forums where people can come and discuss new ideas and giving an advertisement in the newspaper. However, newspaper advertisement will cost a lot and thus, the chosen newspaper must be the one which is widely read by the target audience. 4. How might you distinguish yourself from other charities making requests for funds? A lot of fundraisers show their donors the monetary benefits of raising funds through them. We do not think this is a healthy practice as those giving away something should not be interested in getting more back. Hence, we will distinguish ourselves from others by highlighting the benefits that society will get out of our the donors’ gesture to help others. 5. Is there any certain determinant you can think of that might help you identify good potential donors? While identifying potential donors, we will need to know if they have been giving donations in the past and how they feel about that. That can be identified through inviting people to online discussions and then contacting those whom we think have the potential via direct mail to give donations. How to cite Direct Mail Homework, Papers
Direct Mail Homework Free Essays
1. Who will your target audience(s) be for this coming year? When using direct mail as a medium for fund raising, firms measure their performance by comparing the dollars earned with the dollars spent (Bhagat and Donovan). Hence, for the coming year we should concentrate on those who can give us the maximum amount of money while we keep our costs at the lowest possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Direct Mail Homework or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, most of our donors are in the retired age bracket. For these reasons we should concentrate on targeting middle age people; those who have are concerned about others and also have the means to help them. 2. What proportion of your budget will you allocate for new requests versus ongoing communication? At least half of the budget should be allocated for new requests as the company is in dire need of altering its current donor list age bracket. 3. What other communication tactics might you use to try and reach potential donors? The firm can use many other tactics such as online mailing, setting up a website, making online forums where people can come and discuss new ideas and giving an advertisement in the newspaper. However, newspaper advertisement will cost a lot and thus, the chosen newspaper must be the one which is widely read by the target audience. 4. How might you distinguish yourself from other charities making requests for funds? A lot of fundraisers show their donors the monetary benefits of raising funds through them. We do not think this is a healthy practice as those giving away something should not be interested in getting more back. Hence, we will distinguish ourselves from others by highlighting the benefits that society will get out of our the donors’ gesture to help others. 5. Is there any certain determinant you can think of that might help you identify good potential donors? While identifying potential donors, we will need to know if they have been giving donations in the past and how they feel about that. That can be identified through inviting people to online discussions and then contacting those whom we think have the potential via direct mail to give donations. How to cite Direct Mail Homework, Papers
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